Healing is Everything

Ep26—Decoding the Secret to Self-Discovery

June 27, 2023 Paul Hawthorne Season 3 Episode 26

Have you ever wondered what extraordinary feats you could accomplish if you tapped into your full potential? Join me, Paul Hawthorne, as I unlock the secrets of personal transformation and self-discovery in this enlightening episode of the Healing Is Everything podcast. I share powerful insights from some of the greatest thought leaders and successful personalities, revealing how you can awaken the extraordinary within you. This episode holds a special place in my heart as it brings forth my own experiences and relationships, and how self-focus has helped me knock down life's challenges. I'm also thrilled to introduce the inspiring Eddie Panero and his podcast Your World Within, a treasure chest of valuable insights on human potential and personal transformation.

Drawing from my own journey of self-discovery inspired by Wayne Dyer, I highlight the pivotal role of self-reflection and introspection in decoding our values, passions, and purpose. Listen to the story of Mark, a corporate executive who rekindled his true passion and dreams, an inspiring reminder that it's never too late to chase your true self. This episode also marks the grand celebration of the third season of the Healing Is Everything podcast showcasing the transformative power of embracing our inner extraordinariness. Don't let this wisdom-packed episode, full of motivation and a whole lot of love, slip by.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Healing Is Everything podcast. I am your host, paul Hawthorne. Well, i can't believe everybody. We made it to season three. We are celebrating 25 episodes released in over 1,000 downloads. I just can't express enough how proud I am of this achievement. The messages conveyed in these episodes have touched the lives of countless individuals, aiding them in their healing from their past journey, finding solace in the present and empowering them to manifest the future of their dreams.

Speaker 1:

To all my listeners, i just want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. Thank you for not only downloading these episodes, but also for sharing them with your loved ones, friends and family. I am immensely grateful to all the listeners across the globe. I am so surprised when I looked at all my stats this week, that I have listeners from Europe to Asia, to Africa, to North America. You know your support knows no bounds and it truly humbles me. Now I also want to take a moment to acknowledge my amazing, incredibly beautiful girlfriend, who constantly challenges and inspires me to grow and become a better person each and every day. I want to express my deep gratitude to all my teachers and the remarkable thought leaders whose insights continue to shape the topics I cover in this podcast, and to my family, thank you for showering me with love and imparting invaluable lessons on how to be a better parent, sibling and human. And to my dear friends even if some of you may not be tuning into these messages, i just want to express my appreciation for reminding me of the significance of friendship and the importance of that, especially during challenging times.

Speaker 1:

Now, in this specific episode, i'm going to reference my relationship, my friends, in just a part in a series in it, and I just want to let you know that there's no hard feelings here. I just feel like I'm in a point in my life right now where I've done a lot of introspection and reflection, which I'm going to be talking about, and I feel that it's time that I let you guys go a little bit Doesn't mean that I still won't love and care about you and still see you from time to time. I'm just not going to be seeing you every weekend because, yes, i just need to really focus on myself and I need to overcome some of the challenges that I know all of you are facing, that I've faced with you, which is the addiction, so just wanted to let you know I love you, but some of these messages. If they do hurt, i'm sorry, but it's just something that I need to get off my chest and move forward with. So in this week's episode, i'm going to share some mind blowing insights and examples from the profound wisdom of some of the greatest thought provokers and successful celebrities of our time. I want this episode to inspire all of you, like it did me when I was writing it. Now I'm hoping to take you on a journey of exploration and enlightenment where we will delve into the depths of our inner world together, drawing inspiration from people who have lived extraordinary lives. Now prepare yourselves for a transformative experience that will expand your consciousness, hopefully ignite your passions and will empower you to embrace your immense potential, which really resides in all of us.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to start by talking about one of my favorite podcasters. His name is Eddie Panero. His podcast is called Your World Within. Now I listen to Eddie every morning when I'm showering. He inspires me. He has incredible insights into how we live our lives, how we should be living our lives, and he gives such great insights into his life and how he's transformed his life into someone who's very successful, and I just love his messages. I think his message is really transcends time And, at its core, his remarkable insights into why we, as humans, have boundless have this boundless wellspring of untapped potential just waiting to be awakened and harnessed for the greater good is so incredible. Now, this potential that he talks about, this divine capacity within us, really holds the key to transforming our lives and manifesting our deep desire. Now, i love the way Eddie invites listeners to awaken to this true potential and really, he really focuses on how we can shake off the shackles of conformity like we're all experiencing, especially during the pandemic, right Like we were being controlled, we were told what we needed to do, how to think, how to feel, what to take what to into our bodies, and that's something that I think we all need to be aware of and we need to move away from. We need to unleash those shackles of conformity And we really need to start thinking for ourselves. We need to start researching topics, researching things and educating ourselves on these kind of things. So one of the other things is he really focuses on how do we embrace the extraordinary that resides within us. So Eddie Panero is an incredible podcaster and if you haven't listened to him, i advise that you do. He's on every major platform, and one of the things that I, again, i just love that he does is he takes you on a journey that touches your soul that he touches my soul, for sure, and it's based on a game. Like I said, lots of his personal stories that are really relatable.

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Now, one of my favorite episodes is the story of Mark. Now, mark is a corporate executive who has spent years sleepwalking through his life. It wasn't until one day he realized, though, that he had lost touch with his passions and his dreams. Now Eddie goes on to explain that Mark, his awakening came to when he stumbled upon an old guitar gathering dust in his basement when he was going through and decluttering his life. So, really, what happened was Mark picked up that guitar that was collecting dust all over all of these years Like I'm talking, probably 20 years ago, but he was working in a job that he was just not fulfilling him and that he hated, actually, and was even staying in an intimate relationship where all the passion of that relationship died. So Mark picked up that guitar, and what he did is he started strumming a few chords, and that feeling that he got it was almost like a fire inside him ignited, and it was at that moment Mark made a choice to pursue his true passion for music and his life was forever transformed from that very moment. So, folks, it just takes maybe just one thing that can spark or ignite that passion within us, and I'm going to talk a little bit more about that in this episode. So, through Mark's story, it reminded me that it is never too late to rediscover our passions, like I said, to reignite that spark that can drive us down that exciting road and adventure into the unknown. I believe, from Eddie's teachings, that we all have hidden talents and dreams that lie dormant within us, awaiting to be awakened as well. Now it all begins with finding the courage to pursue our authentic selves, because it is in this pursuit that we can and will find true fulfillment and purpose in our lives.

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Now, eddie's podcast was actually the catalyst that inspired me to create this very podcast. Now I just love how he personally chooses the music too, which I'm sure that you've heard in my own podcast kind of evolve over time. I started including music in the background, which I feel is for me anyways. When I listen to Eddie, it just inspires me. When I listen to his messages, it kind of gives me that extra. It gives it an extra punch, so to speak. So I hope it does the same thing for you. So, anyways, i just want to thank Eddie for all that you've done for me if you're listening right now and the world, i mean, it is people like you who teach us to be better and to learn from every moment that we have left on this beautiful earth.

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So I just want to talk about another amazing thought provoker and spiritual teacher in my life, and his name is Wayne Dyer. Now, wayne Dyer was a renowned self-development author who has helped guide millions of people towards self-discovery. But unfortunately, wayne died just a few years ago, but his life's work will forever touch many souls. Now, wayne always talked about all have the power and divine capacity to manifest and attract all we desire in our lives. Now his words reverberate through my being, stirring a sense of awe and wonder. Now, this concept that he talks about, that we're just not mere spectators in this universe. Rather, we are co-creators capable of shaping our reality through the power of thoughts, our thoughts, emotions and actions. Now, in order to start this journey, he states and I truly believe that we must cultivate self-awareness, we need to delve deep within ourselves and explore the intricacies of our being. If we can focus on practicing self-reflection and introspection, we gain insight into our values, passions and our purpose.

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Now, this last year for me, i've taken Wayne's incredible insights and put them into practice. Now I started to really look at myself in the mirror, go within myself through meditation, exploring my inner thoughts and emotions to understand what my true desires for this amazing life are. Now I started to ask who is Paul Hawthorne? How can I exude more of my authentic self? What is stopping me from achieving all that I desire and I want for my life? As I came face to face, through this practice, with my authentic self, through these meditation sessions and even just sitting and pondering while I'm drinking my coffee in the morning, i started to realize that the blocks to achieving my dreams and my desires are from conditioning from my parents, friends, colleagues, my education, my life experiences and societal expectations that have masked my true potential.

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Now I came to realize that I am not all of those things. I do not have to be any of those things. Who I am should not be defined by those things. We need to understand that all of our past experiences, both negative and positive, have shaped us into the person that we have become. But I do not, or should not, regret and I should not regret any of that. Rather, what I feel like we must do is embrace and continue to embark on a journey of self-discovery, truly sitting in a space of introspection. So I personally can start listening to the whispers of my soul, and what I keep hearing from those whispers is the need to align my life with my deepest desires. Now I've come to realize that it is within the depths of our being that we unveil our true potential. We gain clarity about the direction we wish to take in our lives. We begin to unravel our unique gifts, talents and passions, and we understand that they hold the key to unlocking our true power.

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Now, in this journey of self-discovery, i learned that our true power is not in conforming to societal norms. We're trying to fit into some sort of predetermined mold. Where it lies is in embracing my uniqueness, celebrating my individuality and allowing my authentic self to shine brightly. So I challenge you to do the same Now. Take the time I mean really take the time each and every day, even if it's for 10 minutes, sitting quietly, get comfortable with the silence, ask yourself. Who really am I? What are my true passions and desires for this life or this one life I have? Now? what I'm saying to you is when we tap into our true power, we become catalysts for change.

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When the people in our inner or outer circle see this change, they can either inspire them to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and awakening, or they will slowly slip away from you to continue living in their state of non-growth and inauthentic selves. I'm not saying the ones that don't get inspired by your transformation are bad or shouldn't still be loved and visited from time to time. What I'm saying is that you will begin to attract other important people into your life that align with this growth mindset, determine to always look for positive ways to heal themselves and become their best versions. All of the most inspirational and successful people that I listen to continue to shed light on this mere fact. We are the average of the five people we hang out with on a regular basis. So if all of the people you continue to hang out with are in stagnation and don't embrace change, or they are negative about themselves or the world around them, well, unfortunately, our worlds can and will remain in that same non-growth and negative energy. I know because it happened to me. It is not easy to let go of these friends or family members that are in that negative or non-growth mindset stage. Personally, i still love all of them deeply, but I've come to realize that some of my friends will never change if they do not start this journey of self-discovery, as I am just beginning to realize how their energy has affected my personal growth.

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For quite a while now, it's been a significant reason for why I haven't achieved my fullest potential because of the choices I make when I hang out with them. Now that I've taken a step back from them, which hasn't been easy. In actuality, it's been quite uncomfortable. So why do I feel this sense of discomfort? Is this feeling a good thing or a bad thing? Well, elliot Hulse, one of my favorite motivational speakers, who is a renowned strength coach, shares a lot of his knowledge on the transformative power of discomfort. He encourages us to embrace challenges head on, recognizing that true strength does not come from avoiding or evading them, but from confronting them with unwavering resolve. It is through facing discomfort, leaning into it and emerging on the other side that we forge our character, we sharpen our skills and unleash our full potential.

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It has only been a couple of weeks since I've taken a break from the negative people of my life. It's given me a feeling of discomfort. Positive things are starting to happen. I realize I don't want to use harmful substances that way anymore, as this was the one common theme that me and my friends did almost every weekend. When we'd hang out together Whether it was to watch sports, play games or just hang out in a friend's basement we drank beer or smoked pot. That's what we did.

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Now I realize that by taking time away from that life, from those addictions, i'm thinking more clearly. My mood is actually generally happier. I'm beginning to understand that if I continue down that path of substance abuse, my body and mind would become sick and weak. Unfortunately, a few of my closest friends are deep on that path of self-destruction, whether it's self-pity or blaming the outside world for their problems or just struggling with their addictions. I am coming to realize that if I continue to spend every weekend around that energy, it will pull me away from my truest dreams and my desires for my life.

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Now I will not allow myself to get caught up in that stagnant energy anymore. I need to constantly remind myself that the power within me is vast and infinite, and that goes for you as well. It is not bound by the limitations of space, or time or circumstance. It is a force that can move mountains, transcend obstacles and transform our lives. Now, as I start to awaken to this power, i realize that I have the capacity to create a life that is not only aligned with my true self, but also makes a positive impact on the world around me, such as this podcast is intended.

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To do So along the way, and to align with my true self, i'm starting to find inspiration in the stories of successful and inspirational individuals who have faced immense hardships and emerged victorious. Now, i am doing this to shift my thinking from scarcity mindset to one that is grounded in abundance. Now, when we look at someone like Nelson Mandela, like, who triumphed over injustice and led his nation towards reconciliation, get inspired by someone like that. Or to Oprah Winfrey, who defied societal expectations and carved her own path to success. These are the examples that remind me that strength is born from struggle and greatness is forged in the crucible of adversity. Now, i believe it is so critical that we embrace the wisdom from these incredible stories in order to empower us to view challenges as opportunities for growth. They are constant reminders for me that discomfort and adversity are not barriers to our success, but catalysts that propel us forward. With each hurdle we encounter, we have a choice We can shrink back in fear or we can rise above and conquer.

Speaker 1:

Well everybody, i hope you enjoyed the first episode of season 3 of the Healing is Everything podcast. I also hope that it inspired you by me sharing some of the greatest messages from thought provokers and inspirational messages from successful people of our time to help you take the journey to transforming your life into the best version of yourself. Now I am excited to continue to share healing content that will help you heal from your past, ground yourself in the present and create and manifest the future of your dreams. I'll leave you with this message, like I do for every episode Be kind to yourself, believe in yourself and cherish your loved ones, sending you peace, healing and lots of love. Bye for now.